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Al-Ahli Club is committed to respecting your privacy and protecting your personal information

You can access our full Privacy Policy below to help you to understand better how we use your personal information. In it, we explain in more detail the types of personal information we collect, how we collect it, what we may use it for and who we may share it with. Without prejudice to your rights under applicable laws, the above and the Privacy Policy are not contractual and do not form part of your contract with us.


Controller of Personal Information

Any personal information processed by Al-Ahli in connection with this Privacy Policy is controlled by Al-Ahli, which is considered the “data controller” of your personal information under KSA PDPL LAW.

What Do We Mean by Personal Information?

Personal information means details which identify you or could be used to identify you, such as your name and contact details, your travel arrangements and purchase history. It may also include information about how you use our websites and mobile applications.

When Does This Policy Apply?

This Privacy Policy applies to personal information about you that we collect, use and otherwise process regarding your relationship with us as a customer or potential customer. Where we reference that others are data controllers in the sections ’Controller of Personal Information’ and ’Who do we share your personal information with?’ you should consult their privacy policies for further information.

Web App Log-In Details Confidential

To make sure your access to our websites, other online services, and mobile applications is secure, you should not share your log in details with anyone else. When you finish using the website, online services or mobile app you should log out if others may be able to access your computer or device. This is especially important if you are using a publicly accessible computer.

Be Aware of And Protect Yourself Against Internet Fraud And ‘Phishing’

There is an Internet fraud practice known as ‘phishing’ which is the illegal gathering of personal information by deception. Unsolicited emails are sent to individuals from lists illegally gathered by a third party, and recipients are asked to enter or reconfirm bank or password details into a 'cloned' or illegal copy website.

When Do We Collect Personal Information About You?

We collect personal information about you whenever you use our services (whether these services are provided by us or by other companies or agents acting on our behalf), including when you travel with us, when you use our website or mobile applications, or interact with us via email or use our contact centers.

What Types of Personal Information Do We Collect and Retain?

We collect the following categories of personal information:

When And Why Do We Collect ‘Sensitive Personal Data’?

Certain categories of personal information, such as that about race, religion, health, or biometric information are special categories of data requiring additional protection under KSA PDPL LAW and is referred to here as “sensitive personal data”. Generally, we try to limit the circumstances where we collect and process sensitive personal data.

What Do We Use Your Personal Information For?

The main purposes for which we use your personal information are:

What Is Our Legal Basis for Using Your Personal Information?

Al-Ahli will only process your personal information where we have a legal basis to do so. The legal basis will depend on the reason or reasons Al-Ahli collected and needs to use your information. Under KSA PDPL LAW in almost all cases the legal basis will be:

If processing of your data is subject to any other laws, then the basis of processing your data may be different to that set out above and may in those circumstances be based on your consent in all cases.

Who Do We Share Your Personal Information With?

Your personal information may be shared with the companies within our group. You will only be sent marketing emails from other companies within our group where you have provided your consent to those companies. We may also disclose your personal information to the following third parties for the purpose described here:

We do not sell personal information to third parties, and we only allow third parties to send you marketing information where we have your consent to do so.

What Are Your Legal Rights in Relation to The Personal Information We Hold About You?

Under KSA PDPL LAW, you have certain rights in relation to your personal information. Responses to exercise your rights will be provided within one month and generally there is no fee for making these requests. If your request is particularly complicated, we may extend the deadline for responding to three months, but we will let you know if this is the case. We will handle all requests in accordance with applicable law. However, depending on the right you wish to exercise, and the nature of the personal information involved, there may be legal reasons why we cannot grant your request.

How Can You Exercise Your Legal Rights and Change How We Use Your Data?

If you wish to change how we use your personal information, please contact us. We will ask for some information to identify you, which will only be used to process your request. We will verify your identify via email before processing your request.

How Will We Inform You of Changes to This Privacy Policy?

If we change this Privacy Policy, we will let you know about the changes by publishing the updated version on our website. We are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy and will continue to do so in any future changes we make to this Privacy Policy.

How To Get in Touch with Us And Your Right To Complain To Our Supervisory Authority?

If you have any questions about this policy, please contact the Data Protection Officer.